After so many years trapped on the Island with Calypso, I have been given great news from the gods. I have been told I am able to finally leave the Island and return home to my wonderful family. I can't tell you how happy this has made me. I am just stunned that after so long I am finally able to return to Ithaka, but of course doing what the gods instruct me to do along the way. You must always follow what the gods say if you want to be able to get through this thing called life. If you don't, bad things will happen and you will be punished for your wrong doing. And since the gods basically control the earth, you know you do not want to mess with them. Calypso was so kind to help me rebuild my boat since the last one I had was destroyed. I know she loves me and it's very hard for her to let me go but she was very gracious about it. She watched me as I sailed off in my new ship. 18 long days later I spotted Scheria, the island of the Phaeacians. The gods had told me to take this specific path for my journey and I am listening very closely to my directions. One god though was not pleased to see me no longer trapped. Posideon threw a fit when he had seen that the gods had agreed to free me while he was away. Out of anger, he created a deadly storm. I thought I was going to die until the goddess Ino saved me! She gave me a veil that would save me when my ship was wrecked. Later, the goddess Athena also saved me as a I was being tortured by Posideon. Thankfully I found the river to lead me to the island. I am now in the forest.
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