So I continued my journey on from the land of the Kyklopes. I reached the home of Aiolos, ruler of the winds. There, Aiolos presented me with a very special gift. It was a bag containing all the winds. He stirred up a vicious wind to send me and my men home. I was so honored with the gift it was such a noble and nice thing for him to do for me. Things were looking good. We had been going towards home for 10 days and we were in sight of home! We could see Ithaka. I was so happy but I found out my crew was not. They thought that Aiolos had given me a gift of silver and gold and wanted in on the gift so they ripped the bag open! It stirs up big winds that sent me and my men all back to Aiolia Island but when we arrived Aiolos refused to help us. He said he wouldn't help us because the gods hated me and wanted to do me harm. This is something you do not want to hear from anyone because this was a very horrible future to look at. If the gods wanted to hurt you they probably would. Now without the help of the wind me and my men row to the land of the Laistrygonian. Laistrygonians are a powerful breed of giants. Their king, Antiphates and his queen wanted to make me and my crew into their dinner. Horrified, we ran to our ships but the giants had thrown huge boulders at them sinking almost all of them but mine. From there me and my ship traveled to Aiaia. There lives the beautiful witch goddess Kirke. While we were there she poisoned a band of my men and turned them into pigs! I was on my way to rescue them when I was stopped by Hermes, except he was in the form of a young man. He gave me a plan to help keep me safe from Kirke. He told me to eat the herb moly to protect myself from being turned into a pig and then grab her when she tries to stab me with her sword. I was able to do all of this and I totally beat her! I was able to make her release my friends and turn them back into humans again. Somehow, in the mist of all this craziness, Kirke and I ended up becoming lovers and my men and I lived on her island in pure happiness. But my men soon wanted to continue with our trip so I asked Kirke for the way to return to Ithaka and she told me that we must go to Hades and speak the spirit of Tiresias. She was a blind prophet and Kirke told us she could tell us how to get back to Ithaka. One of my men had gotten drunk the night before and somehow after a strange series of events ended up falling off the roof and breaking his neck. After dealing with that I told my crew about where we had to head to next and they weren't all that pleased to tell you the truth.
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