The King had finally decided to question me on who I really was and where I've really been. I reluctantly began my story of my very long, truthful past. It is so long I have decided to break it down into four parts for my readers. So lets begin with after Troy. My men and I on my ship were sent to the island Ismaros, city of the Kikones. My men and I at once were distracted and taken by our greed when we reached the island. We stayed there until the Kikones turned on us unexpectantly and attacked us. We got back onto the boat where we were taken by a storm on the sea. We didn't find land for 9 days but on the 10th day we arrived at the land of the Lotos eaters. Some of my men went a talked to the natives and they gave them some of the Lotos. My men returned saying that the plant had been delicious but they didn't want to go home. They wanted to stay on the island. I forced them onto the boat and starved them for a while and didn't let any of my other men have any of this toxic plant. Later we reached the land of the Kyklopes. We avoided the mainland at first and ate some goat on an island offshore. After our meal we approached the mainland. As we were crossing we came across a cave full of glorious looking food. My men tried to convince me to steal some of it quickly but I waited to see whose cave this was. And of course it was the Kyklops Polyphemus who is the son of the god Posideon. You will now see why he doesn't like me very much. I know, it was not very smart of me the entire time and I learned my lesson but I think he has held his vengeance against me long enough. Kyklops was very nice to me and my men at first but then he became angry with us and ate two of my men and trapped me inside of his cave. At first I was going to stab him but I knew that he was the only one strong enough to push the rock that had me trapped inside the cave so I cooked myself up a plan. I had a wooden staff burning as I got Kyklops drunk. He asked me of my name and I told him my name was Nohbdy. When he was passed out after being drunk I had some select men help me stab him in the eye with the burning staff and when he awoke yelling "Nohbdy is killing me!" No one came to help him. So me and my men grabbed on to the bellies of the sheep since Kyklops had to release them to graze. He did not see us since he was now blinded. We took his men and got on board the ship. I revealed my identity as Odysseus which was probably not a very smart move but when you do something you are so proud of you should take credit for it. Well then Kyklops asked his father, Posideon, to take avengeance on me so I am forever on Posideon's bad list but can you blame him?
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